Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Homework A:


Homework B:



Homework A:


Homework B:



Homework A:

有一次,数学考试时,我没准备好。由于我怕被父母和老师骂,便要求我的朋友小明让我操他的卷子。不料,他却拒绝了,说作弊是个不诚实的行为。我听了,怒气冲冲。那天的数学考试,我不会很多题目,便全都怪小明。放学后,我不等小明,就自己回家了,一眼也不看他。结果,回家后,我遇见了我的邻居。我发现他的脚上都有藤条的疤痕,便问他发生了什么事。他说,在考试时,他作弊了,结果被老师发现。老师通知他的父母亲,父母对他十分生气和失望,把他打了一顿。他感到非常后悔,然后对我说,他以后一定要做个诚实的孩子。我听后,马上打电话给小明,向他道歉。 如果没有他这个好朋友,我现在可能会在困境中。

Homework B:



Homework A:


Homework B:


Saturday, July 19, 2008




Monday, June 30, 2008



传说古时候,印度有个凶残的魔王Narakasura。在他的统治下,老百姓的生活十分痛苦,民不聊生。后来,天神Lord Khrishna把邪恶的魔王杀掉了,为民除害。人们非常高兴,便点着灯热烈庆祝。从此,人们就将这个日子作为屠妖节,歌颂“邪不能胜正”的精神。

在屠妖节当天,印度同胞们起得特别早,在天亮前进行膏油浴仪式,以示洗净身心。之后,他们会在家里点油灯,进行祷告。  信徒相信,在家中置放一盏传统的印度油灯,再供奉食物、新衣、鲜花等,可以为家人带来好运。按照传统习俗,新衣上会涂抹一点黄姜粉(tumeric)。  印度人也在地上绘图,这种图案叫做“古拉姆”(kolam)。古代在乡村里,人们常受昆虫干扰,于是用面粉或谷类撒在屋外门前,绘成图形,昆虫有食物吃,就不会进屋。


Sunday, April 6, 2008







Friday, March 28, 2008




Saturday, March 15, 2008






Wednesday, March 12, 2008





Friday, February 22, 2008

Posting 3

Atlantic Puffin

Special Features: This sea-bird can "fly" through water using its waterproof wings as paddles and its webbed feet to steer itself through the water. It needs this skill to catch fish. Other than being able to travel through water, it is also speedy in the air. It can flap its wings as many as 400 times a minute, and can fly up to 88km/h. Its beak is also designed to catch fish, and the largest ever recorded number of fish in a puffin's beak was 62.

Other facts: Its scientific name is Fratercula Arctica. It usually lives to be about 20 years old. The oldest puffin lived up to 29 years old. It weighs about 500g.


Special Features: These gentle giants are about 4 metres long and weigh about 400kg. Despite their big size, they are graceful swimmers. They looks like hippos, but their snout is smaller and have a tail. They are slow, and swim at about 8km/h normally. If threatened, they can swim at 24km/h. They are an endangered species, as they are often killed for meat, hides, oil and bones.

Other Facts: They have sensitive skin, and the females give birth to one calf at a times. The calves' weight range from 25-80 pounds.

Blue-Footed Booby

Special Features: Blue-footed boobies are a type of bird. They have blue feet, and males usually have brighter-colored feet than females. The females choose their mates according to how blue the males' feet are. They only take care of their babies until 2 months. They have a wingspan of about 1.5 metres, and can dive into water for fish.

Other Facts: They weigh about 1.5 kg, and females are usually bigger than males.
Special Info for Sick people thinking about....well, if you are sick, you will know: The name "booby" comes from the word "bobo" which means "stupid" in Spanish. They are named like that because these birds have slow reaction and are clumsy. Not the other thing....


Special Features: They are related to camels and llamas, but they do not have two humps on their back. Baby guanacos are called chulengos and they live in South America. They can weigh up to 136 kg.

Other Facts: Their scientific name is Lama Guanicoe. They spit when angry, and females take 11 months to give birth.

Poison Dart Frogs

Special Features: These frogs are one of the most poisonous species of the world. They can produce enough poison to kill 20,000 mice. Scientists suspect that they get their toxicity from insects they eat, when the insects have eaten other poisonous plants. They make buzzing sounds to attract a female.

Other Facts: These frogs have bright colors which can warn off predators. (Warning coloration in animals is known as a posematic coloration.) They usually live up to 10 years. Some scientists think that its poison might be able to be used as a painkiller.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008




Sunday, February 3, 2008

Post 2: My autobiagraphy

Hello! This is my autobiography:

My name is Amy Liang. I was born 3rd February, 1996, in Mercy Hospital in Melbourne. The hospital was must have been really lousy because my mom started her contractions in the morning of 2nd February but only gave birth to me on 3rd February in the afternoon. I was cute and cuddly, my mom told me, unlike my puny little sister that looked like a tiny monkey.

At 10 months, I said my first word, "马", which is "horse" in Chinese. I threw up a lot, and my mom was practically driven crazy by me. At one year old, I started taking my first unsteady steps. At 2, I ate with a spoon and bowl. (You may be wondering why my sentences are so short and abrupt. That's because I don't remember anything at all, and is depending on my parents' information now.)

At 4 or 5, I beat up my first victim. It was a boy in my kindergarten, and he had been bullying me for years. I did not kick or punch. I did not scratch. I bit into his leg and like a drumstick, and tried to tear the muscle off. He cried and cried, but I did not let go. To my surprise, it tasted quite nice. It was bloody and had teeth marks after the teachers pulled me away. Serve him right.

At 7, I got myopia and had my first glasses. There were Mickey Mice at the sides, and was dark blue. I also entered primary school, Henry Park Primary School. At 8, I started to learn horse riding. It was really fun (and absorbed my energy so I did not beat up anybody yet in these few years.) I'm still learning now.At 10, I participated in my first riding competition and got a 1st!!! I was really nervous and was literally shaking on that day. But the horse was obedient and I'm thankful for that.

At 11, I got my second and third medal, which is 3rd and 1st respectively.

My hobbies are horse riding and reading. I have so many novels at home I have to stack books on top of each other and my bookshelf looks really messy. My favorite so far is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. It is 550 pages long, and I loved it. The story was set in the early times of World War II and was about a German girl and a Jewish man.

I haven't done anything spectacular so my autobiography must be really boring.

P.S. For you all child kidnappers out there, you must be glad you know lots about me. But why not kidnap other children in my class, my family isn't filthy rich. And they don't drive a Mercedes. And actually, I live in a flat, not a bungalow because I'm not a Singapore citizen and the government here is really cruel to us.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Elizabeth Choy

Elizabeth Choy is a brave war heroine who refused to give in to the evil soldiers. She survived electrocution, beatings and punishments in jail, where she shared her cell with twenty other men. If I were her, I think I would have given the information, especially when I know that I would be electrocuted if I don't.

When she was released, she did not give the identity of the soldier who tortured her. Now......that's weird. When I am let out of a jail where I survived a hundred beatings and an electrocution, I would be yelling the name of the people who tortured me out in the streets. She is soooo forgiving and kind. I bet the dirty little soldier who tortured her got away, giggling to himself happily.

She received many medals for her efforts and is now remembered as a truly inspiring figure. We can learn from her that we should stay strong even in the most difficult and desperate (Why do words to describe sadness and depression always start with a 'd'? Death, darkness, die, dead, etc.) situation.
I bet Elizabeth Choy went to heaven......