Sunday, February 3, 2008

Post 2: My autobiagraphy

Hello! This is my autobiography:

My name is Amy Liang. I was born 3rd February, 1996, in Mercy Hospital in Melbourne. The hospital was must have been really lousy because my mom started her contractions in the morning of 2nd February but only gave birth to me on 3rd February in the afternoon. I was cute and cuddly, my mom told me, unlike my puny little sister that looked like a tiny monkey.

At 10 months, I said my first word, "马", which is "horse" in Chinese. I threw up a lot, and my mom was practically driven crazy by me. At one year old, I started taking my first unsteady steps. At 2, I ate with a spoon and bowl. (You may be wondering why my sentences are so short and abrupt. That's because I don't remember anything at all, and is depending on my parents' information now.)

At 4 or 5, I beat up my first victim. It was a boy in my kindergarten, and he had been bullying me for years. I did not kick or punch. I did not scratch. I bit into his leg and like a drumstick, and tried to tear the muscle off. He cried and cried, but I did not let go. To my surprise, it tasted quite nice. It was bloody and had teeth marks after the teachers pulled me away. Serve him right.

At 7, I got myopia and had my first glasses. There were Mickey Mice at the sides, and was dark blue. I also entered primary school, Henry Park Primary School. At 8, I started to learn horse riding. It was really fun (and absorbed my energy so I did not beat up anybody yet in these few years.) I'm still learning now.At 10, I participated in my first riding competition and got a 1st!!! I was really nervous and was literally shaking on that day. But the horse was obedient and I'm thankful for that.

At 11, I got my second and third medal, which is 3rd and 1st respectively.

My hobbies are horse riding and reading. I have so many novels at home I have to stack books on top of each other and my bookshelf looks really messy. My favorite so far is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. It is 550 pages long, and I loved it. The story was set in the early times of World War II and was about a German girl and a Jewish man.

I haven't done anything spectacular so my autobiography must be really boring.

P.S. For you all child kidnappers out there, you must be glad you know lots about me. But why not kidnap other children in my class, my family isn't filthy rich. And they don't drive a Mercedes. And actually, I live in a flat, not a bungalow because I'm not a Singapore citizen and the government here is really cruel to us.

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