Friday, February 22, 2008

Posting 3

Atlantic Puffin

Special Features: This sea-bird can "fly" through water using its waterproof wings as paddles and its webbed feet to steer itself through the water. It needs this skill to catch fish. Other than being able to travel through water, it is also speedy in the air. It can flap its wings as many as 400 times a minute, and can fly up to 88km/h. Its beak is also designed to catch fish, and the largest ever recorded number of fish in a puffin's beak was 62.

Other facts: Its scientific name is Fratercula Arctica. It usually lives to be about 20 years old. The oldest puffin lived up to 29 years old. It weighs about 500g.


Special Features: These gentle giants are about 4 metres long and weigh about 400kg. Despite their big size, they are graceful swimmers. They looks like hippos, but their snout is smaller and have a tail. They are slow, and swim at about 8km/h normally. If threatened, they can swim at 24km/h. They are an endangered species, as they are often killed for meat, hides, oil and bones.

Other Facts: They have sensitive skin, and the females give birth to one calf at a times. The calves' weight range from 25-80 pounds.

Blue-Footed Booby

Special Features: Blue-footed boobies are a type of bird. They have blue feet, and males usually have brighter-colored feet than females. The females choose their mates according to how blue the males' feet are. They only take care of their babies until 2 months. They have a wingspan of about 1.5 metres, and can dive into water for fish.

Other Facts: They weigh about 1.5 kg, and females are usually bigger than males.
Special Info for Sick people thinking about....well, if you are sick, you will know: The name "booby" comes from the word "bobo" which means "stupid" in Spanish. They are named like that because these birds have slow reaction and are clumsy. Not the other thing....


Special Features: They are related to camels and llamas, but they do not have two humps on their back. Baby guanacos are called chulengos and they live in South America. They can weigh up to 136 kg.

Other Facts: Their scientific name is Lama Guanicoe. They spit when angry, and females take 11 months to give birth.

Poison Dart Frogs

Special Features: These frogs are one of the most poisonous species of the world. They can produce enough poison to kill 20,000 mice. Scientists suspect that they get their toxicity from insects they eat, when the insects have eaten other poisonous plants. They make buzzing sounds to attract a female.

Other Facts: These frogs have bright colors which can warn off predators. (Warning coloration in animals is known as a posematic coloration.) They usually live up to 10 years. Some scientists think that its poison might be able to be used as a painkiller.

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